Due Diligence Study

Due Diligence Site Investigation for lenders, developers, utility companies, municipalities and engineers/land planners; our research includes fielding the site, obtaining as-builts or facility maps from the utility companies, and interviewing key staff.

  1. Obtain and review plans/exhibits identifying the overall project scope and proposed phasing.
  2. Field/photograph site for familiarity.
  3. Contact the local utility companies and obtain the name of responsible engineer/planner.
  4. Prepare and forward exhibits identifying the project to the responsible utility representative.
  5. A. Meet with each utility representative to review the project and its impact on their existing facilities
    B .Review time frames for upgrading their facilities, as needed, based on phasing.
  6. EIR requirements for sub-stations, transmission relocations requiring,  131D filings and acquiring consent to grade letters.
  7. Prepare a comprehensive report identifying each utility, the responsible representative, and the status of their existing versus proposed facilities.

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